I've been participating in free auctions to get movies and video games for the holidays These auctions are free and there are many items people are trying to part with. They often offer free shipping. Just make sure the listing you are participating in has free shipping. They also have games and other items that make good gifts for the holidays for kids, adults, and anybody else on your list.
Refer friends, and that's how you get your points. You can also get rid of your unwanted items this way and use those points to get stuff for your kids or other people on your shopping list. They have collectors cards, too!
There's cosmetics, school supplies, and anything else you can imagine there like movies, books, shampoo, anything!
Sign up for Listia and get free credit to bid. Its totally free! You get 100 points just to sign up!
Each friend you refer = 200 credits + 20% of credits they earn on their first auction.
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